Ketch The Reaper – Award Winner 2019

Ketch The Reaper – Award Winner!

Flaming victory for Ketch The Reaper at The 12th Hot Pepper Awards.

When Ketch The Reaper chilli sauce makes you strive to be the best, no one loves filling the nation’s kitchens with tasty hot sauces more than Daddy Cool. Word has spread almost as quick as the burn about the top quality sauces, pickles and rubs. Daddy Cool’s kitchen is keen to keep pushing out top quality chilli sauces and hopefully continue receiving the recognition for the new products when released. .

This year’s Hot Pepper Awards recognised our Ketch The Reaper as the best overall sauce, blowing all competitors right out of the competition. The Reaper ketchup won best overall award, best condiment, best hot sauce and best breakfast sauce.  And rightfully so! No full English breakfast would be complete without some Ketch The Reaper and Broon Sauce!

The Daddy Cool family also received the Seedling Award for being the BEST industry newcomer! An award which hints at the bright future and amazing products to come.

Daddy Cool and family may have been making hellishly moreish products for some years now but that’s only the start of the amazing things to come.

BEST OVERALL: THE HOT PEPPER AWARD – Daddy Cool’s Chilli Sauce –  (UK)

BEST HOT SAUCE Daddy Cool’s Chilli Sauce –  (UK)

CONDIMENT 1st – Daddy Cool’s Chili Sauce –  (UK)


INDUSTRY AWARDS SEEDLING AWARD (Best Industry Newcomer) – Daddy Cool’s Chilli Sauce (UK)

Thank you to all the amazing customers, reviewers, friends and family for the continued support which has led to this award (and the many Great Taste Awards), we’ll keep on making the good stuff as long as you can brave the heat. And to the haters, we love you too. Just slightly less.

#IfItsNotDaddyItsNotCool #KetchTheReaper #OneSauceToRuleTheAll Reaper Ketchup Awards

3 thoughts on “Ketch The Reaper – Award Winner 2019

  1. James B says:

    Well done for winning the hot chilli award. From one chilli lover to another, this tomato reaper ketchup is on my to try list!

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